International Conference on WWII 2017

International Conference on WWII 2017

I had the incredible opportunity to attend the 2017 International Conference on WWII at the National WWII Museum in New-Orleans from November 16th to November 19th.

I have worked in collaboration with the National WWII Museum since 2014 but this was the first time I was able to visit it. And what a museum!

Alongside two of my friends and colleagues, Sylvain Kast and Christophe Gosselin, we were invited to visit the museum and attend their annual conference. We had such a blast! We even made a short presentation on stories of individual leadership in the Battle of Normandy…

You can find the full program and videos of all of the presentations on the following webiste :

2017-12-20T17:38:48+00:00 November 25th, 2017|